5 Reasons To Invest In Remote Tech Support Help When Fighting A Malware Infection

You're trying to access your work files so you can get some work done, but now there's a pop up on your screen claiming your hard drive is locked down and demanding ransom. You've stumbled into the world of malware, a type of computer virus that can tear through some of the best antivirus software available today. Hire a remote tech support service to guide you through the removal of the malware to enjoy faster access to your files. Here are five reasons to do so:

Undetectable Infections

Don't let yourself get lulled into a false sense of security by a lack of malware infections popping up on the results screen when you run an antivirus scan. Silent and hidden infections still create unpleasant warning signs like:

  • Unusual and irregular search results, even on major search engines
  • Constant changes to your home page, no matter how many times you reset it
  • Automatic shutdown of your antivirus software every time you start it
  • Difficulties updating drivers, your operating system, or your antivirus software
  • Unexpected pop-ups from programs you know you didn't install.

An experienced technician can use remote access to take an inventory of your entire file system and find the offending files, even when the most thorough software turns up nothing.

Loss of System Control

Is the malware blocking your access to the Task Manager or System Restore programs that are built-in to give you control over your computer? These infections are hard to handle on your own, but easy enough to disable for an experienced computer repair expert. Even if you can figure out which file or program is hosting the infection, you can't necessarily remove it. There's no need to take your laptop or tablet to a repair shop just to regain control since remote services allow the technician to change security features and elevate an uninstall request.

Quarantined File Backup

Afraid that the malware infection is going to cost you important documents, photos, or other files? Before you do anything else to try and fight the infection, let a remote tech carefully back up everything on your computer to a quarantined and separate hard drive. This allows them to slowly sift through the files and only let the clean ones back onto your restored computer. You won't get stuck in an endless cycle of reinfection as you accidentally protect the malware by hanging on to useful or sentimental files.

Limited Spread of Infection

Of course, most people using their computer for work connect with dozens of people per week through email, social media, and office intranets. Even benign malware uses these connections to spread quickly and effectively. Bringing in a remote technician allows you to get help in the middle of the night if necessary, limiting the spread of the infection. The support service can also help limit your computer's outgoing connections without interrupting your work so you can protect your clients and co-workers until the malware is gone for certain.

Support During Advanced Recovery

Finally, you don't want to try and handle the advanced recovery options yourself. Trying to use a boot scan rootkit treatment that runs off a CD or wiping your entire hard drive clean and starting fresh both get rid of the most stubborn malware, but you can also end up with an unresponsive computer or lost files if you handle the tasks incorrectly. Look for a remote service that supports phone access so the technician can still guide you while the computer is running without Internet access.

Don't let malware hold your files for ransom or steal your personal information. Fight back without making the infection worse by investing in remote tech support assistance.

About Me

Understanding Computer Problems

A few months back, I decided that I was sick and tired of dealing with computer issues. Instead of relying on someone else to clean up my computer and fix my problems, I wanted to learn more about viruses, issues with outdated hardware, and software troubles. I started attending classes at a local continuing education program, and it really helped me to learn more about the problems I was having. This blog is all about spreading the word about computer problems and learning how to fix issues on your own. Check out these articles to read more about computer repairs.
