The Advantages Of Cable Over Satellite TV

Looking to subscribe to a live TV service again, but feeling confused about whether you should subscribe to cable or satellite? If so, it will help to know some of the reasons why cable TV is the superior choice.

No Signal Fade

One of the biggest problems you'll run into with satellite TV is signal fade. This is when the signal cuts out because it has a difficult time going through water, which can happen when it's raining heavily outside, or when you have a storm cloud in the path of the satellite in space and your home satellite dish. It can cause the satellite TV service to stop working at a time when you want to use it the most: when you're stuck indoors because it is raining 

Simple Installation

When you install a satellite TV at your home, it involves installing a satellite dish on the actual home. While this is possible for some people, it may not be for others. For example, you may live in an apartment building without a balcony that faces the proper direction toward the satellite. Or, you may be renting a home, and the landlord doesn't want you to modify the property by installing a satellite dish on the roof.

Cable TV involves running a coax cable into your home. The installation is fairly straightforward and simple, without any need to climb up onto a roof with a ladder. The simple installation also means that many apartment buildings are pre-wired for cable, and it just involves making the right connection in a utility room elsewhere in the building to get service to your apartment.

Bundled Services

Satellite TV providers typically just offer television service, with you needing to turn elsewhere for your Internet and phone service. Thankfully, many cable TV providers also include those other services that you may also want. This gives you the option to bundle services together, possibly receive a discount for subscribing to more than one service, and simplify the billing process. 

Local Networks

When you subscribe to satellite TV, it is common to just get the major local channels that are available in your area. You don't have access to all of the smaller networks unless you also have an antenna installed on your home. This is not the case with cable, which often carries all of the smaller networks in your area. This can include public access channels, community channels, and other stations that satellite TV won't offer.

For more information about cable TV service, contact a local provider.

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Understanding Computer Problems

A few months back, I decided that I was sick and tired of dealing with computer issues. Instead of relying on someone else to clean up my computer and fix my problems, I wanted to learn more about viruses, issues with outdated hardware, and software troubles. I started attending classes at a local continuing education program, and it really helped me to learn more about the problems I was having. This blog is all about spreading the word about computer problems and learning how to fix issues on your own. Check out these articles to read more about computer repairs.
